You and your beast are craving adventure, but there are only so many neighborhood walks you can go on while social distancing. We have a solution! Try camping in your backyard with your beast! If you do not have a backyard, you could also try camping in your living room.

 How To Backyard Camp with your Beast:

1.) Check the weather! Plan on camping on a nice, sunny day.

2.) Pitch your tent! Pick a good spot in your backyard with lots of sunlight.

3.) Make your tent cozy for you and your pup! Add in blankets and pillows to ensure a good night’s sleep. We even put in a MB POD for our beast! We also added in a lantern and flashlights for when the sun goes down.

4.) Plan some fun camping activities! A few suggestions we have are:

  •  Barbecue! You can even cook up something for your pup, such as a hot dog or hamburger. Rover has some great BBQ recommendations and pup-friendly recipes. (
  •  Games! This is a perfect opportunity for fetch with your pup. Not only is it fun, but it will also tire your pup out. You can also try playing hide-and-seek with your dog’s favorite toys or testing our your pup’s agility with an obstacle course.
  •  Star-Gazing! There is no better way to end the day then laying outside with your beast and looking at the stars. Our beast cuddled a LAVENDER ZENBONE to help relax before bedtime.

 5.) Enjoy! Staying home doesn’t have to stop adventures.

April 30, 2020 — Madison Joselowsky
Tags: Lifestyle