How to Build a Fort with your Beast!

Staying at home with your beast can be tough.  Adventures are a little harder to come by inside.  Building a fort with your furry friend is a great way to bring some excitement indoors!  Below are step by step instructions to make a fort:

1. Pick a spot!

We recommend setting up your fort close to a window.  With the sheets and blankets on top it can be easy for it to get dark inside.  Setting up in a bright location will allow for lots of natural light, which will make you and your beast happy!  Pro tip: crack open your window to let in a breeze.

2. Place two tall chairs about a foot apart.

You can use any chairs or tall furniture that you have.  If you have a bigger pet, you can move the chairs further apart or use three to make the fort wider.

3. Drape two thin sheets (or blankets if you do not have sheets) over the top.

Feel free to play around with the lengths and placement of the sheets until you have your ideal fort shape.

4. Make your fort cozy.

Add a comforter or blankets to the inside of the fort, as well as some pillows and a MB POD for ultimate comfort.

5. Accessorize!

We added a plant, lamp without the shade for maximum light, and of course a LAVENDAR BEDTIME BEAR & ADVENTURE ZENBONE to keep our furry friends occupied.

 6.  Enjoy!

You can either let your beast chill by themselves or join them to keep them company!  We moved our work from home “office” into the fort for an afternoon and our pup loved it.

Tag us in your fort photos on Instagram @modernbeast! 

April 24, 2020 — Madison Joselowsky
Tags: Lifestyle